Paper Tiger Document Solutions offers comprehensive document management solutions for businesses large and small.  We can handle all of your document storage and document shredding/destruction needs – providing you with very competitive pricing, industry-leading service, instant access to, and control of, your data.  And, we can provide 100 percent peace of mind.

Is your office overwhelmed by a jungle of paper documents?  Wish there were a way to conquer and even remove your paper jungle, but still have immediate (online and physical) access to all of your secure files? 

Paper Tiger Document Solutions (formerly Business Storage, Inc. – BSI) offers comprehensive document management solutions for businesses large and small. 

 We can handle all of your document storage and document shredding/destruction needs – providing you with very competitive pricing, industry-leading service, instant access to, and control of, your data.  And, we can provide 100 percent peace of mind.

We’re an independent, owner-operated company – not an impersonal, multi-national corporation or a moving company that dabbles in storage services.  This means you receive highly personalized and responsive service at all times.

Paper Tiger’s fees are also among the lowest in the Chicagoland area.  We charge only $69 per month for your first 200 boxes.  Count on us to provide you with the biggest savings by storing with us.  

We’ll conquer your paper jungle by managing it in our state-of-the-art, secure, climate-controlled storage facility.  You can always expect Paper Tiger to deliver your documents at low prices with personalized service and peace of mind.   A few additional reasons to work with Paper Tiger:

  • We maintain state-of-the-art, bar-coding technology specifically designed to accurately manage stored information. 
  • We provide customized monitoring and reporting of your record activity.
  • We have more than 20 years of experience satisfying clients’ document management needs.
  • We are bonded and insured, and all employees are background checked to help ensure the safety and confidentiality of your records.